The Economist
Details of
The Economist

The Economist is an international weekly newspaper known for its magazine-style format and digital presence, covering current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. Based in London, it is owned by The Economist Group, with editorial offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. In 2015, the newspaper was sold to the Italian Agnelli family's investment company, Exor, after Pearson sold its stake. The Economist boasts a global print circulation of over 909,476 and reaches an audience of 35 million across social media platforms. Founded in 1843 by Scottish economist James Wilson, it initially focused on advocating for the abolition of British Corn Laws. Over time, it expanded its coverage to include political economy, current events, finance, commerce, and British politics. The newspaper is known for its distinctive red nameplate and illustrated covers, with articles written anonymously to maintain a collective voice. The Economist's editorial stance revolves around classical, social, and economic liberalism, supporting centrist policies and advocating for free markets, free trade, free immigration, deregulation, and globalization. Despite its editorial stance, it is recognized for rigorous fact-checking and reporting integrity, attracting a high-income, educated readership, including business leaders and policy-makers.
United Kingdom
February 10, 2024
February 10, 2024
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