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Note is a platform where users can create and share various forms of content such as articles, essays, photos, and audio recordings. It provides a space for individuals to express themselves creatively and share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others. emphasizes a user-friendly interface and a supportive community atmosphere to encourage engagement and interaction among users.
February 10, 2024
February 10, 2024
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GoDaddy Online Services Cayman Islands Ltd.
Title: note ――つくる、つながる、とどける。
Description: クリエイターが文章やマンガ、写真、音声を投稿することができ、ユーザーはそのコンテンツを楽しんで応援できるメディアプラットフォームです。だれもが創作を楽しんで続けられるよう、安心できる雰囲気や、多様性を大切にしています。
User-agent: * Disallow: /embed/* Disallow: /intent/* Disallow: /preview/* Disallow: /api/* Disallow: /pdf/* Disallow: /wrap_up/* Disallow: /search Disallow: /login?* Disallow: /signup?* Disallow: /m/*/archive # /:urlname/~ Disallow: /*/archives Disallow: /*/archives/* Disallow: /*/followers Disallow: /*/followings Disallow: /*/likes Disallow: /*/magazines Disallow: /*/menu/* Disallow: /*/message Disallow: /*/terms/specified User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /api/v3/notes/pagers Allow: /api/v3/notes/hashtags/*/notes Allow: /api/v3/notes/*/extra_items Allow: /api/v3/notes/*/related_notes Disallow: /api/v2/boards/*/reserved_posts Disallow: /api/v2/attachments Disallow: /*/rss Disallow: /intent/* User-agent: Twitterbot Disallow: /*/message Disallow: /*/terms/specified Disallow: /*/menu/* Disallow: /embed/* Disallow: /intent/* Disallow: /preview/* Disallow: /api/* Disallow: /pdf/* Allow: /wrap_up/* User-agent: bingbot Crawl-Delay: 30 Disallow: /*/message Disallow: /*/terms/specified Disallow: /*/menu/* Disallow: /embed/* Disallow: /intent/* Disallow: /preview/* Disallow: /api/* Disallow: /pdf/* Disallow: /wrap_up/* Disallow: /search User-agent: Livelapbot Disallow: / User-agent: Yahoo Pipes 1.0 Disallow: / User-agent: Megalodon Disallow: / User-agent: ia_archiver Disallow: / Sitemap:
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